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Hoito- ja terveystieteiden tutkimuskeskuksessa (Nursing Research Center, NRC) tavoitteenamme on edistää hoito- ja terveystieteellistä tutkimusta ja sen tuloksien käyttöä potilaan parhaaksi.
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Hoito- ja terveystieteen tutkimusjulkaisut HUSissa
Cavonius-Rintahaka D, Roos M, Aho A. The effectiveness of a dialogical family guidance intervention regarding child treatment response in families with a child with neurodevelopmental disorders. BMC Psychol 2024;12:189.
Heikkilä A, Lehtonen L, Junttila K. Consequences of inpatient falls in acute care - a retrospective register study. J Patient Saf 2024. Epub ahead of print.
Hiltunen T, Suhonen R, Inkilä J, Leino-Kilpi H. Reporting and managing ethical issues in intensive care using the critical incident reporting system. Nurs Ethics 2024;0(0):1-15.
Jacobsson RJ, Oikarinen A, Krogell J, Kankkunen P. Group-based cardiac telerehabilitation interventions and health outcomes in coronary patients: A scoping review. Clin Rehabil 2024;38(2):184-201.
Koota E, Kaartinen J, Melender H-L. Impact of educational interventions forprofessionals on infection control practices to reduce healthcare-associated infections and prevent infectious diseases: A systematic review. Collegian 2024;31(4):218-231.
Mason A, Lindberg L, Joronen K, Koivisto A-M, Rantanen A. Strabismus is more than a misalignment; a cross-sectional pilot study of HRQOL in Finnish strabismic adults referred to a university hospital. Acta Ophthalmol 2024;102(4):428-434.
Mäkinen M, Jaakonsalo E, Saarivainio R, Koskiniemi J, Renholm M. The effects of mindfulness training for emergency department and intermediate care unit nurses. Appl Nurs Res 2024;76:151770.
Nabecker S, Nation K, Gilfoyle E, Abelairas-Gomez C, Koota E, Lin Y, Greif R & Education Implementation Team Task Force of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). Cognitive aids used in simulated resuscitation: A systematic review. Resusc Plus 2024;19:100675.
Numanovic V, Jalonen H, Lindell J, Jacobsson J. E-leadership in nursing – a systematic review. FinJeHeW 2024;16(1):62–80.
Paatela S*, Pohjamies N*, Kanste O, Haapa T, Oikarainen A, Kääriäinen M, Mikkonen K. Registered nurses’ cultural orientation competence for culturally and linguistically diverse nurses in the hospital setting: a cross-sectional study. J Adv Nurs 2024;80(2):707-720.
Pellikka A, Junttila K, Laukkala T, Haapa T. 2024. Nurses’ perceptions of desired support from their employer during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative survey study. BMC Nurs 2024;23:128.
Pesonen T, Nurmeksela A, Hult M. The relationships between precarious employment, having a calling, and occupational well-being among young nurses: a cross-sectional study. BMC Health Serv Res 2024;24:762.
Poikajärvi S, Peltonen L-M, Siirala E, Heimonen J, Moen H, Salanterä S, Junttila K. Exploring the Documentation of Delirium in Patients after Cardiac Surgery: A Retrospective Patient Record Study. CIN: Comput Inform Nurs 2024;42(1):27-34.
Saastamoinen T, Elomaa-Krapu M, Härkänen M, Näslindh-Ylispangar A, Vehviläinen-Julkunen K. Students’ experiences of a computer-based simulation game as a learning method for medication process: a qualitative study. Teach Learn Nurs 2024;00:1-7.
Tarvonen M, Markkanen J, Tuppurainen V, Jernman R, Stefanovic V, Andersson S. Intrapartum cardiotocography with simultaneous maternal heart rate registration improves neonatal outcome. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2024;230(4):379.e1-12.
Toija A, Kettunen T, Kasila K. The Construction of Peer Support Among Recently Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patients. Cancer Nurs 2024. Epub ahead of print.
Välimäki M, Hu S, Lantta T, Hipp K, Varpula J, Chen J, Liu G, Tand Y, Chen W, Li X. The impact of evidence-based nursing leadership in healthcare settings: a mixed methods systematic review. BMC Nurs 2024;23:452.
Välimäki M, Lantta T, Kontio R. Risk assessment for aggressive behaviour in schizophrenia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2024;5:CD012397.
Ahlqvist A, Nurmeksela A, Kvist T. The COVID-19 Pandemic Challenged Nurse Managers’ Daily Leadership Work: A Qualitative Study. J Nurs Manag. Vol 2023, Article ID 8191426.
Ahonen O, Kotila J, Melender H-L, Saranto K. The Biomedical and Health Informatics Recommendation Domains in Relation to the Nurse Competence Scale Categories. Stud Health Technol Inform 2023;305:216-219.
Cavonius-Rintahaka D, Roos M, Aho AL. Dialogisen perheohjauksen vaikuttavuus perheissä, joissa lapsella on neuropsykiatrinen häiriö – vanhempien näkökulma. Tutkiva Hoitotyö 2023;21(4):3–11.
Elliott R, Axelin A, Richards KC, Vahlberg T, Ritmala-Castren M. Sensitivity and specificity of proposed Richards-Campbell Sleep Questionnaire cut-off scores for good quality sleep during an ICU stay. J Clin Nurs 2023;32(11-12):2700-2708.
Harju E, Haapa T, Törnävä M, Rissanen M-L, Kylmä J. Vaikeasti tavoitettavat ja piilossa olevat tutkittavat hoitotieteellisissä tutkimuksissa. Hoitotiede 2023;35(2):178-193.
Heikkilä A, Junttila K, Lehtonen L. 2022. Fall rates by specialities and risk factors for falls in acute hospital - a retrospective study. J Clin Nurs 2023;32(15-16):4868-4877.
Hellsten T, Arokoski J, Sjögren T, Jäppinen A-M, Kettunen J. Remote physiotherapy in Finland - suitability, usability and factors affecting its use. E J Physiother 2023;25(6);378-387.
Hirvi S, Laulainen S, Junttila K, Lammintakanen J. The dynamic nature of Leader-Member exchange relationships in healthcare organizations. Leadersh Health Serv 2023;36(3):374-388.
Junttila K, Heikkilä A, Heikkilä Asta, Koivunen M, Lehtikunnas T, Mattila E, Meriläinen M, Peltokoski J, Sneck S, Tervo-Heikkinen T. Leadership is significant for nurses’ autonomy and engagement: a cross-sectional multi-centre survey in Finland. J Nurs Adm 2023;53(1):19-26.
Koponen T, Löyttyniemi E, Arve S, Honkasalo M-L, Rautava P. Experienced Quality of Life and Cultural Activities in Elderly Care. Ageing Int 2023;48:452-464.
Kupila SKE, Joki A, Suojanen LU, Pietiläinen KH. The Effectiveness of eHealth Interventions for Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance in Adults with Overweight or Obesity: A Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews. Curr Obes Rep 2023 Sep;12(3):371-394.
Lemetti T, Pakarinen A, Salminen L, Virtanen H, Haapa T. Instruments assessing nurse educator's competence: A scoping review. Nursing Open 2023;10(4):1985-2002.
Luurila K, Kangasniemi M, Hult M, Häggman-Laitila A. Nurses’ substance use disorder in disciplinary procedures - a retrospective document analysis. J Clin Nurs 2023;32(11-12):2663-2671.
Lönnqvist K, Sinervo T, Kaihlanen A-M, Vehviläinen-Julkunen K, Elovainio M. Psychosocial work characteristics and sleep quality among early career registered nurses: a cross-sectional latent profile analysis. BMC Health Serv Res 2023:23:1020.
Mason A, Joronen K, Lindberg L, Koivisto A-M, Fagerholm N, Rantanen A. Health-Related Quality of Life in Adult Patients with Strabismus—Translation and Psychometric Testing of the Adult Strabismus Questionnaire (AS-20) into Finnish. IJERPH 2023;20(4):2830.
Orell H, Pohju A, Tuokkola J, Junttila K, Heikkilä A, Österlund P, Schwab U, Mäkitie A. Time to act! - A cross-sectional study on how nutritional risk increases during hospitalization and associates with worse outcome. Clin Nutr ESPEN 2023;57:364-374.
Paala E, Heino M, Ritmala M, Lundgrén-Laine H, Salanterä S, Koivunen M. Potilaiden kokemuksia unta tukevista hoitotyön toiminnoista sairaalan vuodeosastolla. Hoitotiede 2023;35(3):253-263.
Savilahti E, Haravuori H, Rytilä-Manninen M, Lindberg N, Marttunen M. Comparison of adolescent referred involuntarily or voluntarily to psychiatric hospitalization. Nord J Psychiatry 2023;77(4):403-410.
Strandell-Laine C, Haapa T, Timonen L, Suikkala A. The role of the teacher and learning in clinical practicum scales: a psychometric testing of the Finnish versions. Nursing Open 2023;10:7201-7208.
Roine M, Sjögren T, Korpi H, Jäppinen A-M, Karvonen E. Physiotherapists’ Clinical Reasoning in Examination of clients with Low Back Pain in Direct Access Practice: a theory-driven Qualitative Content Analysis. E J Physiother 2023; 26(3):160–169.
Takala O. Itsensurman varjo. Psykoterapialehti 2023;42(4):303-316.
Talja T, Rantanen A, Koivisto A-M, Helenius J, Joronen K. Associations between depressive symptoms, life events and family factors among school-aged children. J Sch Health 2023;93(4):279–288.
Tervo-Heikkinen T, Heikkilä A, Koivunen M, Kortteisto T, Peltokoski J, Salmela S, Sankelo M, Ylitörmänen T, Junttila K. Nursing interventions in preventing pressure injuries in acute inpatient care - a cross-sectional national study. BMC Nurs 2023;22:198.
Tervo-Heikkinen T, Heikkilä A, Sankelo M, Koivunen M, Kortteisto T, Peltokoski J, Salmela S, Ylitörmänen T, Junttila K. Painevaurioiden ennaltaehkäisy aikuispotilailla suomalaisessa erikoissairaanhoidossa. Hoitotiede 2023;35(2):147-163.
Tuomikoski A-M, Parisod H, Kotila J, Palomaa M, Suutarla A, Holopainen A. FinAME asiantuntijuusmalli näyttöön perustuvan hoitotyön tukirakenteena. Tutkiva Hoitotyö 2023;21 (1):20-28.
Tuominen L, Ritmala M, Vahlberg T, Mäkelä S, Nikander P, Leino-Kilpi H. The effect of nurse-led empowering education on nutrition impact side effects in patients with colorectal cancer undergoing chemotherapy: A randomised trial. PEC 2023;115: 107895.
von Gerich H, Junttila K, Pasanen M, Salanterä S, Peltonen L-M. Development and validation of instrument for assessment of situational awareness in operational management of nursing leaders in hospital settings. FinJeHeW 2023;15(2):130-141.
Aittovaara A, Kylmä J, Rauta S, Meriö A, Junttila K, Paavilainen E, Haapa T. Uusien työntekijöiden kokemukset perehdytyksestä ja sen aikaisesta oppimisesta leikkaus- ja teho-osastoilla: laadullinen tutkimus. Tutkiva hoitotyö 2022;20(1):20-29. Linkki tiivistelmään
Cavonius-Rintahaka D, Roos M, Gillberg C, Billstedt E, Aho AL. Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Dialogical Family Guidance with Ordinary Clinical Treatment for Families with a Child with Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
Adv Neurodev Disord 2022;6:36-52.
Elliott R, Axelin A, Richards KC, Vahlberg T, Ritmala-Castren M. Sensitivity and specificity of proposed Richards-Campbell Sleep Questionnaire cut-off scores for good quality sleep during an ICU stay.
JCN 2022; Early View.
Heikkilä A, Kotila J, Junttila K. Validation of the Helsinki University Hospital prevent pressure Injury Risk Assessment Tool: a prospective observational study.
BMC Nursing 2022, 21:18.
Holstein R, Mäkinen M, Castrén M, Kaartinen J. Utilization of Prognostic Biomarker Soluble Urokinase Plasminogen Activator Receptor in the Emergency Department: a Tool for Safe and More Efficient Decision-making.
BMI 2022;17:1-7.
Hutri I, Kotila J, Turunen H. Registered nurses´ competence for subarachnoid haemorrhage patients in intensive care units.
British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 2022;18:S12-S16.
Jokiniemi K, Heikkilä A, Meriläinen M, Junttila K, Peltokoski J, Tervo-Heikkinen T, Mattila E, Mikkonen S. Advanced Practice Role Delineation Within Finland: A Comparative Descriptive Study.
JAN 2022;78(6);1665-1675.
Kaarlela V, Mikkonen K, Pohjamies N, Ruuskanen S, Kääriäinen M, Kuivila H-M, Haapa T. Competence of clinical nurse educators in university hospitals: a cross-sectional study.
Nordic Journal of Nursing Research 2022;42(4):195–202.
Karikoski E, Junttila K, Järvinen M, Sarkola T, Blomqvist M. Parental perceptions and experiences of an oral health care promotion intervention for children with congenital heart defects.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health & Well-being 2022;17:1.
Lindfors K, Flinkman M, Kaunonen M, Huhtala H, Paavilanen E. New graduate registered nurses’ professional competence and the impact of preceptors’ education intervention: a quasi-experimental longitudinal intervention study.
BMC Nurs 2022;21:360.
Lojander J, Axelin A, Bergman P, Niela-Vilén H. Maternal perceptions of breastfeeding support in a birth hospital before and after designation to the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative: A quasi-experimental study.
Midwifery 2022;110, 103350.
Melender H-L, Hökkä M, Kaakinen P, Lehto J, Hirvonen O. Palliative-care nurses' and physicians' descriptions of the competencies needed in their working units.
International Journal of Palliative Nursing 2022;28:38-50.
Melender H-L. Partnership in nursing for implementing a clinical guideline into nursing practice.
Nurse Educator 2022;47:pE93.
Metsäranta K, Anttila M, Pajamäki T, Holappa H, Välimäki M. Web messaging among young people in online services: A descriptive mixed-methods study.
Digital Health 2022;8.
Mustonen S, Salanterä S, Junttila K. 2022. Nurse engagement in a Finnish tertiary-level university hospital: a descriptive cross-sectional survey. Hoitotiede 2022;34(3):169-182.
Niinihuhta M, Häggman-Laitila A. A systematic review of the relationships between nurse leaders' leadership styles and nurses' work-related well-being.
International Journal of Nursing Practice 2022;28:e13040.
Niinihuhta M, Terkamo-Moisio A, Kvist T, Häggman-Laitila A. A comprehensive evaluation of factors affecting nurse leaders' work-related well-being.
Leadership in Health Services 2022;35:460-474.
Pohjamies N, Mikkonen K, Kääriäinen M, Haapa T. Development and psychometric testing of the preceptors’ orientation competence instrument (POCI).
Nurse Education in Practice 2022;64, 103445:1–9.
Pohjamies N, Haapa T, Kääriäinen M, Mikkonen K. Nurse preceptors’ orientation competence and associated factors: a cross-sectional study.
J Adv Nurs 2022;78:4123–4134.
Poikajärvi S, Rauta S, Salanterä S, Junttila K. Delirium in a surgical context from a nursing perspective: A hybrid concept analysis.
Int J Nurs Stud Adv 2022;4:100103.
Primeau C, Marttinen F, Ejlskov Pedersen CC. The status of forensic radiography in the Nordic Countries: Results from the 2020 IAFR questionnaire.
Forensic Imaging 2022;29:200502.
Ritmala-Castrén M, Axelin A, Richards KC, Mitchell ML, Vahlberg T, Leino-Kilpi H. Investigating the construct and concurrent validity of the Richards-Campbell Sleep Questionnaire with intensive care unit patients and home sleepers.
Australian Critical Care 2022;35(2):130-135.
Rosenström T, Tuisku K, Suvisaari J, Pukkala E, Junttila K, Haravuori H, Elovainio M, Haapa T, Jylhä P, Laukkala T. Healthcare workers' heterogeneous mental-health responses to prolonging Covid-19 pandemic: A full year of monthly follow up in Finland.
BMC Psychiatry 2022;22:724.
Talja T, Rantanen A, Koivisto AM, Fröjd S, Ikonen R, Joronen K. Early identification of depressive symptoms in school-aged children: Psychometric properties and validation of a new short version of Short Mood & Feelings Questionnaire.
Scand J Caring Sci. 2022 Jun;36(2):393-403.
Tervo-Heikkinen T, Heikkilä A, Koivunen M, Kortteisto T, Peltokoski J, Salmela S, Sankelo M, Ylitörmänen T, Junttila K. Pressure injury prevalence and incidence in acute inpatient care and related risk factors - a cross-sectional national study.
Int Wound J 2022;19:919-931.