Lapinjärvi local sampling service
Keywords:In the Lapinjärvi local sampling service we serve customers by appointment.
- Our local sampling service is located at the Lapinjärvi Social and Health Station.
See the location information for Lapinjärvi Social and Health Station (in Finnish)
- You do not need to register when you arrive for sampling.
- You may pick up and return sample containers without booking an appointment.
- Blood and urine samples
- Fungal culture tests
- Glucose tolerance tests
- Throat swab
Book a laboratory appointment online (opens in new window, links to another website)
You can book a laboratory appointment online. You always need a referral for laboratory tests.
How do I prepare for examinations and where do I get the results?
Examinations always require a referral. See here for more information on preparing for and arriving to examinations, and on receiving the results.