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The Park Hospital is part of HUS Helsinki University Hospital. In the Park Hospital our domain is adult surgery.

This hospital centrally manages procedures in plastic surgery, mammary surgery, venous surgery, hand surgery, specialist medical care for oral and maxillofacial diseases, clinical physiology and radiology.

Park Hospital cafeteria

The cafeteria is in the 2nd floor near the main entrance of Park Hospital. The cafeteria is open Mon-Fri 7.30 am - 2.30 pm.


Emergency oral health care on evenings and weekends, Park Hospital

Primary health care emergency services for oral health care in the evenings and on weekends are available at Park Hospital on the Meilahti hospital campus…

Breast Surgery Outpatient Clinic, Park Hospital

In Park Hospital’s Department of Breast Surgery, we operate both new and locally recurrent cases of breast cancer.

Short stay surgery, Park Hospital

At Park Hospital’s short-term care surgery unit unit, we receive patients who arrive for elective surgery from home on the morning of the day of surgery.

Park Hospital X-ray unit

At the Park Hospital’s X-ray we perform examinations by appointment.


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