Jorvi Hospital
Jorvi Hospital is part of HUS Helsinki University Hospital. In the hospital, we treat surgical, psychiatric, pediatric, obstetric, pulmonary, neurological and internal medicine patients. The hospital has several specialist medical care outpatient clinics, as well as operations to support examinations and care.
Visiting hours vary by unit. More detailed information on the visiting hours can be found on the websites of the relevant unit.
The main entrance to Jorvi Hospital and the ramp leading to the main entrance closed on September 1, 2024
This is due to the expansion of the adjacent construction site. You can enter the hospital via entrance B, which is located on the street level. You can also use the passageway from Espoo Hospital to enter the Jorvi Hospital. The passageway is closed during the night.
Jorvi Hospital’s new main entrance will open in January 2026.
Jorvi Hospital cafeteria
The cafeteria is in the 2nd floor near the main entrance of Jorvi hospital. The cafeteria is open Mon-Fri 7.30 am - 4 pm.
Flower shop in Jorvi Hospital
Jorvi Hospital’s entrance lobby on the 2nd floor has a flower shop.
The flower shop's opening hours:
Mon-Thu 10 am - 5 pm
Fri 10 am - 4 pm
Sat 12 pm - 5 pm
OLKA service point, Jorvi Hospital
Welcome to the OLKA service point in Jorvi Hospital! The OLKA service point is in the lobby.
Organizations and hospital units showcase their activities at the service point, and you can also pick up brochures from there. Please check the monthly program at the OLKA service point to see dates of theme days.
The hospital also has volunteers. The volunteers wear light green vests. The volunteers offer unhurried encounters and are committed to confidentiality. They are there for you when you need advice on navigating in the hospital, someone to talk to, or peer support.
Pharmacy in Jorvi Hospital
Jorvin apteekki pharmacy is located in the lobby of the adjacent Espoo Hospital.
See the pharmacy’s opening hours and contact information (in Finnish)
Patient Guide
The Patient Guide site answer the most common questions patients may have before, during, and after treatment.
Open 24 hours a day. Detailed contact information and visiting hours are available on the page of each ward and unit.
Contact information
Visiting address
Postal address
Phone, Switchboard: 09 4711Units
Jorvi Hospital laboratory
In the Jorvi Hospital laboratory we serve customers with booked appointments and queue numbers. We recommend booking an appointment.
Jorvi Hospital X-ray unit
In the Jorvi Hospital X-ray Unit, we perform both urgent and non-urgent examinations. We perform non-urgent examinations by appointment.
Surgery Outpatient Clinic, Jorvi Hospital
The Jorvi Surgery Outpatient Clinic serves as an appointment clinic, where patients arrive on the basis of a referral for assessment of a need for surgical…
Pulmonary Disease Inpatient Ward Keu5, Jorvi Hospital
In Jorvi Hospital’s Pulmonary Disease Inpatient Ward Keu5, we treat patients with pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, and lung cancer…
Pulmonary Outpatient Clinic, Jorvi Hospital
The Pulmonary Outpatient Clinic at Jorvi Hospital is part of the Joint Outpatient Clinic of Jorvi Hospital. We treat pulmonary diseases in adults.
Sleep Apnea Clinic, Jorvi Hospital
In the Pulmonary Outpatient Clinic, we examine and treat sleep-disordered breathing, of which the most common is obstructive sleep apnea.
Cardiac Unit, Jorvi Hospital
At the Cardiac Unit in Jorvi Hospital, we perform cardioversions, and heart examinations and procedures on weekdays.
Cardiology Inpatient Ward S7, Jorvi Hospital
The Jorvi Hospital ward S7 is a 22-bed cardiology inpatient ward. Most of our patients are in need of urgent care.
Espoo Diabetes Center, Jorvi Hospital
At the Espoo Diabetes Center, we are responsible for the treatment of type 1 (juvenile-onset diabetes) diabetics in Espoo.
Joint Outpatient Clinic, Jorvi Hospital
In the Joint Outpatient Clinic of Jorvi Hospital, we treat residents of Espoo, Kauniainen and Kirkkonummi in pulmonary diseases, neurology, general…
Physiatry Outpatient Clinic, Jorvi hospital
In the Physiatry Outpatient Clinic at Jorvi Hospital, we primarily treat musculoskeletal disorders that do not require surgical treatment.
Physiotherapists, Jorvi Hospital
The Physiotherapy Unit at Jorvi Hospital provides physiotherapy services for the hospital’s surgery, internal medicine and neurology wards, as well as the…
Clinical neurophysiology A, Jorvi Hospital
At the Jorvi Hospital, we conduct clinical neurophysiology examinations by appointment.
Clinical physiology and nuclear medicine, Jorvi Hospital
At the Jorvi Hospital, we conduct clinical physiology and nuclear medicine examinations by appointment.
Neuromodulation Unit, Jorvi Hospital
At the Neuromodulation Unit in Jorvi Hospital, we provide neuromodulation treatments.
Neurology Outpatient Clinic, Jorvi Hospital
At the Neurology Outpatient Clinic of Jorvi Hospital, we treat patients living in the Espoo, Kauniainen, and Kirkkonummi area.
Maternity Outpatient Clinic, Jorvi Hospital
In the Maternity Outpatient Clinic at Jorvi Hospital, we monitor high-risk pregnancies.
Pediatric Outpatient Clinic, Jorvi Hospital
In the Pediatric Outpatient Clinic at Jorvi Hospital, we examine and treat children and adolescents under the age of 16 who need outpatient services for…
Neonatal Appointments L2, Jorvi Hospital
On Jorvi Hospital’s Neonatal Appointments L2, we treat children under the age of 1.
Ward U2 - Intensive Care and Burn Center, Jorvi Hospital
Ward U2 has a national responsibility for the treatment of demanding burn injuries.
Ward K4 (plastic surgery, orthopedics and traumatology), Jorvi Hospital
On Jorvi Hospital’s Ward K4, we treat adult patients in need of expertise in plastic surgery as well patients in need of demanding care in orthopedics and…
Ward K5 (gastrointestinal surgery), Jorvi Hospital
On Jorvi Hospital’s Ward K5, we examine and treat emergency gastrointestinal surgery patients.
Ward K6 (gastrointestinal surgery), Jorvi Hospital
On Jorvi Hospital’s Ward K6, we treat gastrointestinal surgery patients.
Ward K7 (gastrointestinal surgery), Jorvi Hospital
On Jorvi Hospital’s Ward K7, we treat gastrointestinal surgery patients
Internal Medicine Ward S4, Jorvi Hospital
On Jorvi Hospital’s Internal Medicine Ward S4 and Day Ward we treat internal medicine patients.
Internal Medicine Ward S6, Jorvi Hospital
On Jorvi Hospital’s Internal Medicine Ward S6, we treat internal medicine patients.
Anesthesia and Surgery Unit K, Jorvi Hospital
At the Jorvi Hospital Anesthesia and Surgery Unit K, we perform surgeries to the abdomen, such as gastrointestinal surgery. All bariatric surgeries in HUS…
Anesthesia and Surgery Unit L, Jorvi Hospital
At Jorvi Hospital’s Anesthesia and Surgery Unit L, we perform gastroenterological surgery and endocrine surgery, such as thyroid surgery, as well as…
Occupational therapists, Jorvi Hospital
In the Occupational Therapy Unit at Jorvi Hospital, we provide occupational therapy services to the hospital’s inpatient wards and outpatient clinics.
Maternity Ward N6B, Jorvi Hospital
On Jorvi Hospital maternity ward N6B, we treat women who have given birth and their newborns after childbirth. We also provide guidance on caring for the…
Pediatric Ward L1 and Day Hospital L1, Jorvi Hospital
On Pediatric Ward L1 at Jorvi Hospital, we care for patients under 16 years of age who have children’s diseases.
Neonatal Ward L2A and L2B, Jorvi Hospital
On Jorvi Hospital’s neonatal ward, we treat premature babies and infants.
Pediatric Advanced Home Care, Jorvi Hospital
Pediatric Advanced Home Care enables you to care for a sick child at home safely.
Pediatric General Hospital Psychiatric Unit, Jorvi Hospital
Children under the age of 13 who are being examined and treated at Jorvi Hospital and their families have an opportunity to receive help for the…
Play and Activity Unit, Jorvi Hospital
The staff of the Play and Activity Unit of Jorvi Hospital organizes age-level activities for children and adolescents during their stay at the hospital.
Neurology Ward NE3, Jorvi Hospital
In the Neurology Ward NE3 of Jorvi Hospital, we treat patients requiring neurological treatment.
Psychosis Ward P1, Jorvi Hospital
Jorvi Hospital Ward P1 is a closed psychiatric rehabilitation ward.
Mood Disorder Ward P2, Jorvi Hospital
Jorvi Hospital’s Ward P2 is a closed ward for patients with mood disorders.
Acute Psychiatric Ward P3, Jorvi Hospital
Jorvi Hospital Ward P3 is a closed acute psychiatric ward.
Psychosis Ward P4, Jorvi Hospital
On Jorvi Hospital’s Ward P4, we specialize in the treatment of psychosis.
Endoscopy Unit, Jorvi Hospital
At the Endoscopy Unit at Jorvi Hospital, we perform various endoscopy examinations such as gastroscopies, colonoscopies and ECRP.
Social workers, Jorvi Hospital
The social workers at Jorvi Hospital provide social work services to all patients on the hospital wards and in the outpatient clinics.
Speech therapists, Jorvi Hospital
In speech therapy at Jorvi Hospital, we rehabilitate and examine the speech, language, voice and swallowing disorders in adult patients on the wards. A…
Geropsychiatry Outpatient Clinic, Jorvi Hospital
At the Geropsychiatry Outpatient Clinic, we examine and treat patients over the age of 65 from Espoo, Kirkkonummi, and Kauniainen who have mental health…
Intermediate Care Unit, Jorvi Hospital
On the Intermediate Care Unit of Jorvi Hospital, we treat adult patients who require observation and monitoring.
Jorvi Emergency Department
The Jorvi Emergency Department serves residents of Espoo, Kauniainen and Kirkkonummi who are over 16 years of age. In urgent cases, we provide treatment…
Clinical neurophysiology B, Jorvi Hospital
At the Jorvi Hospital, we conduct clinical neurophysiology examinations by appointment.
Interprofessional Learning Unit, Jorvi Hospital
Our unit is an interprofessional learning unit operating under Ward K6 in the Abdominal Center, where we treat patients suffering from various abdominal…
Plastiikkakirurgian ja ortopedian osasto K4, Jorvin sairaala
Jorvin sairaalan osastolla K4 hoidamme erikoisosaamista vaativia plastiikkakirurgisia aikuispotilaita sekä ortopedisia ja traumatologisia potilaita.
Pediatric Emergency Clinic, Jorvi Hospital
At the Pediatric Emergency Department at Jorvi Hospital, we deal with sudden illnesses and injuries in children aged under 16, as well as issues associated…
Akuuttipsykiatrian vastaanotto, Jorvin sairaala
Jorvin sairaalan akuuttipsykiatrian vastaanotto on avohoidon yksikkö, jossa arvioimme, tutkimme, hoidamme ja ohjaamme jatkohoitoon akuutisti hoitoa…