Espoo Hospital
Karvasmäentie 6, Espoo
09 4711
09 4715 9439
Labor Unit, Espoo Hospital
In the labor ward of Espoo Hospital, we take care of deliveries and ensure the well-being of newborns.
Maternity wards N6C and N6E, Espoo Hospital
On Espoo Hospital maternity ward, we treat women who have given birth and newborns after childbirth. We also provide guidance on caring for the baby…
Assistive Equipment Center, Espoo Unit
In the Espoo Unit of the Assistive Equipment Center, we lend primary health care assistive equipment to the clients of Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services…
Espoo Hospital cafeteria
In the Espoo Hospital cafeteria, you can buy, e.g. salads, baguettes, coffee, tea, baked goods, sweets, soft drinks, and fruit.