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Ohkola Hospital

Ohkolantie 10, Mäntsälä
09 4711
Info point:
050 427 7066

Ohkola Hospital is a psychiatric hospital operating in the Ohkola building.

In 2015, we set up a unit of enhanced inpatient care and forensic psychiatry (TEOPSY) at Kellokoski Hospital as part of the HUS Psychiatry division for psychoses and forensic psychiatry. TEOPSY includes six closed wards and one open ward and a forensic psychiatry outpatient clinic in the Aurora Hospital Area in Helsinki. TEOPSY has a total of 120 inpatient beds located in the Ohkola hospital building near Kellokoski village.

On our wards, we treat forensic psychiatry patients whose sentence has been waived due to lack of criminal responsibility by reason of insanity and who have been committed to treatment by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). We also treat patients with a history of challenging psychosis problematics associated with violence, self-destruction, and prolonged psychosis. On our wards, we also conduct psychiatric assessments of criminal offenders and violence risk assessments as ordered by the courts.

At our Forensic Psychiatry Clinic, we offer an outpatient contact for forensic psychiatry patients in involuntary outpatient treatment and also for other exceptionally challenging patients in outpatient care.

What the unit’s patients have in common regardless of whether they have been committed to forensic psychiatric treatment by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare or have difficult-to-manage symptoms, are psychotic tendencies often associated with a personality disorder, such as sociopathy or instability, and substance abuse. This requires clinical skills serving all patients, an understanding of the law, and structural frameworks that take into account both safety and therapeutic needs.



Forensic Psychiatric Ward P10, Ohkola Hospital

The Ohkola Hospital’s Ward P10 is a forensic psychiatric examination and treatment ward for providing stabilizing treatment.

Forensic Psychiatric Ward P20, Ohkola Hospital

The Ohkola Hospital’s Ward P20 provides stabilizing treatment.

Forensic Psychiatric Ward P30, Ohkola Hospital

The Ohkola Hospital’s Ward P30 provides forensic rehabilitative care.

Psychosis Ward P40, Ohkola Hospital

Ohkola Hospital’s Ward P40 is a psychiatric ward for providing stabilizing treatment.


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