Research in heart and lung diseases
The Clinical Trial Unit operates as an integral part of the Heart and Lung Center. The unit studies the treatment of heart and lung diseases. We conduct research on new experimental drugs as well as basic research that provides answers to questions about the origin and evolution of the diseases. The research is related to international collaborations, the pharmaceutical industry, or the researchers’ own observations.
![Potilas tutkimuksessa Sydän- ja keuhkokeskuksessa](/sites/default/files/styles/main_content_small/public/2022-05/sydan-ja-keuhkokeskuksen-potilastutkimus.jpg?itok=0kLUz_BB)
The Clinical Trial Unit was established at the beginning of 2022. The unit’s goal is to provide better care for patients with heart and lung diseases. The Clinical Trial Unit connects and serves patients, the staff treating them, researchers, and the innovative industry. The Clinical Trial Unit currently has one research coordinator and three research nurses, as well as several researchers. The number of studies is growing rapidly.
Research patients are recruited for studies from the outpatient clinics in Meilahti Hospital and the Biobank, as well as through newspaper advertisements, depending on the research setting.
The Heart and Lung Center is responsible for the operations of the Clinical Trial Unit, and the staff is managed by the Director of Research and Education. The research coordinator is responsible for the coordination of the research.
Our research
There are several academic research groups from the University of Helsinki operating in the cardiology division. In the links below you will find research groups by topic as well as their contact information. The cardiology division studies heart disease extensively from molecular biology to epidemiology, and we also conduct device and drug studies. Research topics include coronary artery disease, cardiac insufficiency, valvular diseases, arrhythmias, inflammatory heart diseases, and genetic heart diseases.
The cardiology division participates in the following working groups on heart disease (ERN GUARD-heart) of the European Reference Network (ERN):
- Familial Cardiomyopathies
- Familial Electrical Diseases
- Special Electrophysiology Conditions in Children
- Congenital Heart Disease & Other Rare Cardiac Disease
Coronary artery disease research
We study coronary artery disease in a versatile way: we conduct drug studies, examine the causes of coronary artery disease related to immunology and molecular genetics. We use AI-based analysis methods to study the samples taken.
Coroprevention project
We are responsible for the clinical part of the Europe-wide Coroprevention study.
Principal Investigator: Juha Sinisalo
Additional cardiological examinations
ECG changes predicting sudden cardiac death
Principal Investigator: Aapo Aro
Hereditary cardiomyopathies
Research projects targeting hereditary myocardial diseases examine the genetics, epidemiology and treatments of cardiomyopathies.
Principal Investigator: Tiina Heliö
Read more about our completed cardiological research on the University of Helsinki website
There are several academic research groups from the University of Helsinki operating in the pulmonary division. In the links below you will find research groups by topic as well as their contact information. The pulmonary division studies idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, severe asthma, sleep apnea, pulmonary hypertension, lung transplantation, and lung cancer.
At the end of 2021, HUS Pulmonary Diseases joined the working groups on lung diseases of the European reference network (ERN). Through the network, it is possible to consult European colleagues on clinical issues and participate in joint European studies.
Research on molecular biology, genetics and epidemiology of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, as well as the patients’ quality of life. The research group was founded by Marjukka Myllärniemi and the group has several principal Investigators.
Lung Factor | University of Helsinki
Asthma, allergic and obstructive pulmonary diseases, bronchiectasis
clinical and epidemiological studies
Principal Investigator: Paula Kauppi
Respiratory insufficiency studies
Study on the prevalence of respiratory insufficiency and its treatment, as well as the patients’ quality of life at HUS and in Finland
Principal Investigator: Hanna-Riikka Kreivi
Clinical lung transplant study, surveying of risk factors for chronic rejection reaction
Principal Investigator: Jussi Tikkanen
Epidemiological study of major public health diseases associated with lung diseases (asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sleep apnea) at the population level
Principal Investigator: Tiina Mattila
Use of an electronic stethoscope to develop audio signal recognition and screening algorithms
The aim is to create methods by which it is possible to automatically distinguish between pathological abnormal breathing sounds characteristic of each lung disease. The project focuses on studying patients with COVID-19 and its high-risk groups, chronic lung diseases.
Principal investigators: Witold Mazur and Ilkka Jaakkola
Read more about our completed lung disease studies on the University of Helsinki website
Organ donor simvastatin therapy (SIMVA)
A randomized prospective study investigates the protective effect for heart transplant recipients of a dose of simvastatin administered to a brain-dead organ donor. Blood and tissue samples collected from organ donors and transplant recipients are examined using multiomic methods for studying the factors affecting the survival of the transplant recipient.
Principal Investigator: Karl Lemström
Transplantation Laboratory | University of Helsinki
Heart transplant recipient liquid biopsy (EMBIO)
A prospective observation study measures the proportion of donor-derived cell-free DNA in the blood of a heart transplant recipient and assesses its usefulness as a sign of rejection compared to a tissue sample study from a myocardial biopsy.
Principal Investigator: Karl Lemström
Transplantation Laboratory | University of Helsinki
Remote ischemic preconditioning in protecting a solid organ transplant (RIP-TRANS)
The study examines the effect of remote ischemic preconditioning implemented with a pneumatic tourniquet on a brain-dead organ donor on the recipient of an organ transplant. The study is carried out in cooperation with the Transplantation and Liver Surgery Unit; and we are responsible for the substudy of the heart and lung transplant patients.
Principal Investigator: Karl Lemström
Transplantation Laboratory | University of Helsinki
Artificial intelligence in cardiac surgery
The study uses artificial intelligence algorithms to investigate the prediction of cardiac surgical complications in collaboration with researchers at Aalto University. The study comprises all pseudonymized data of 6,000 heart-operated patients from the operating room and intensive care period for diagnosis, procedures, vital signs, treatment durations, and fluids and medication administered.
Principal Investigator: Simo Syrjälä
Transplantation Laboratory | University of Helsinki
Using AI to identify heart transplant rejection reactions
The study teaches Aiforia's image recognition algorithm the properties of histological staining of myocardial biopsies in heart transplant patients that are impossible for humans to measure. The study utilizes more than 4,000 digitized histological samples to examine the association of taught characteristics with rejection reactions and patient prognosis.
Principal Investigator: Simo Syrjälä
Transplantation Laboratory | University of Helsinki
The role of extracellular vesicles in lung transplant patients
The study has isolated extracellular vesicles from the blood of brain-dead organ donors and lung transplant patients, and the effects of the genetic message in the vesicles are assessed to predict the patient’s rejection reactions and survival.
Principal Investigator: Karl Lemström
Transplantation Laboratory | University of Helsinki
Read more about our completed studies in cardiothoracic surgery on the University of Helsinki website
Disorders of energy metabolism in cancer cachexia
Principal Investigator: Jari Räsänen
Virtual reality in improving the quality of lung surgery (3-D design)
Principal Investigator: Jari Räsänen
Tissue and cell research of the thoracic region
The study examines the characteristics and genetic changes of lesions in the thoracic region (respiratory tract, lung, pleura, mediastinum, esophagus).
Principal Investigator: Ilkka Ilonen
Patient, are you interested in participating in the research? Contact Research Coordinator Eva Sutinen: tel. 050 427 1113,
Partner, are you interested in collaborating on pharmaceutical research or, for example, data lake research? Contact us:
Student, are you interested in research or doing advanced studies? Contact a professor or researchers in the field: Juha Sinisalo, Marjukka Myllärniemi, Karl Lemström
In cooperation
Helsinki Biobank (opens in new window, links to another website)
In our research, we utilize samples and data resources stored in the biobank. Read more about biobank operations on the website of Helsinki Biobank. At the same time, you can give your voluntary biobank consent and give permission to deposit your sample in the biobank.
![Nainen ja tyttö turkoosia taustaa vasten.](/sites/default/files/styles/liftup_small/public/2021-06/helsingin_biopankki_nainen_ja_tytto.jpg?itok=W1AIjjlX)
Research Programs Unit of the Faculty of Medicine (opens in new window, links to another website)
The Research Programs Unit (RPU) of the Faculty of Medicine consolidates demonstrated research excellence, with focused research programs addressing the greatest challenges in human health.
![Naisen kasvot rajattuna niin, että silmät näkyvät. Kuvan päällä on neuronikuvitus.](/sites/default/files/styles/liftup_small/public/2021-03/neuroni_sm1703.jpg?itok=NKQfLP3n)
Southern Finland Regional Cancer Center FICAN South (opens in new window, links to another website)
The Southern Finland Regional Cancer Center FICAN South promotes cancer research in Southern Finland, and coordinates the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
![Tutkija katsoo mikroskooppiin laboratoriossa.](/sites/default/files/styles/liftup_small/public/2021-06/fican_south.jpg?itok=7XH972nN)
iCAN – Digital Precision Cancer Medicine (opens in new window, links to another website)
The iCAN research project aims to improve the treatment of cancer patients and support the development of new innovations stemming from high-quality cancer research.
![Tutkija Anita Kumari kuuluu iCAN-hankkeen tutkimusryhmään](/sites/default/files/styles/liftup_small/public/2021-02/ican_tutkimushanke_anita-kumari.jpg?itok=1lLBzCxz)
THL Biobank (opens in new window, links to another website)
The THL Biobank promotes research into health and wellbeing.
![Automaatiolaboratoriossa näyteputkia](/sites/default/files/styles/liftup_small/public/2020-09/automaatiolaboratoriossa_n%C3%A4yteputkia_huslab.jpg?itok=T87z_1Gb)
E3 Pandemic Response Enterprise Solutions (opens in new window, links to another website)
The E3 Excellence in Pandemic Response and Enterprise Solutions project uses science and technology to create effective countermeasures to prevent the spread of new infectious diseases.
European Reference Networks – ERN (opens in new window, links to another website)
The members of the European Reference Networks consult other experts in the network and share information to support diagnostics and treatment planning.
European Reference Networks – ERN GUARD-Heart (opens in new window, links to another website)
ERN GUARD-Heart is a heart disease reference network that aims to facilitate access to diagnosis and treatment of rare and complex diseases of the heart in adult and pediatric patients across the European Union.
![Sydän ja lapsen kädet](/sites/default/files/styles/liftup_small/public/2020-10/Syd%C3%A4n_ja_k%C3%A4det.jpg?itok=KTYK8lGJ)
European Reference Networks – ERN LUNG (opens in new window, links to another website)
ERN-LUNG provides help and support for people with rare lung conditions.
![kuva kuvastaa tutkimusraadin toimintaa: nuoria ihmisiä pöydän äärellä](/sites/default/files/styles/liftup_small/public/2020-12/hus_tutkimusraadit.jpg?itok=WZFwA0is)
Clinical Trial Unit for heart and lung diseases
The Clinical Trial Unit operates as an integral part of the Heart and Lung Center. We cooperate with pharmaceutical companies and European research centers.
![Potilas tutkimuksessa Sydän- ja keuhkokeskuksessa](/sites/default/files/styles/liftup_small/public/2022-05/sydan-ja-keuhkokeskuksen-potilastutkimus.jpg?itok=WUTWIGhx)
Updated: 09.10.2023