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Research in heart and lung diseases

The Clinical Trial Unit operates as an integral part of the Heart and Lung Center. The unit studies the treatment of heart and lung diseases. We conduct research on new experimental drugs as well as basic research that provides answers to questions about the origin and evolution of the diseases. The research is related to international collaborations, the pharmaceutical industry, or the researchers’ own observations.

Potilas tutkimuksessa Sydän- ja keuhkokeskuksessa

The Clinical Trial Unit was established at the beginning of 2022. The unit’s goal is to provide better care for patients with heart and lung diseases. The Clinical Trial Unit connects and serves patients, the staff treating them, researchers, and the innovative industry. The Clinical Trial Unit currently has one research coordinator and three research nurses, as well as several researchers. The number of studies is growing rapidly. 

Research patients are recruited for studies from the outpatient clinics in Meilahti Hospital and the Biobank, as well as through newspaper advertisements, depending on the research setting.

The Heart and Lung Center is responsible for the operations of the Clinical Trial Unit, and the staff is managed by the Director of Research and Education. The research coordinator is responsible for the coordination of the research.

Our research

In cooperation

Updated: 09.10.2023


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