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In Hyvinkää Hospital, we primarily treat the residents of Hyvinkää, Järvenpää, Mäntsälä, Nurmijärvi, Pornainen and Tuusula.

Hyvinkää Hospital is an on-call maternity hospital. The hospital also serves as a teaching hospital.

We organize 24-hour specialist medical care and have a joint emergency department with Central Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County.

OLKA service point, Hyvinkää Hospital

Welcome to the OLKA service point in Hyvinkää Hospital! The OLKA service point is in the Hyvinkää Hospital A Building, 1st floor, next to the cafeteria. 

Organizations and hospital units showcase their activities at the service point, and you can also pick up brochures from there. Please check the monthly program at the OLKA service point to see dates of theme days. 

The OLKA service point in Hyvinkää Hospital has customer service. Our OLKA-coordinator is usually available there Monday till Thursday 9:00 a.m.–1 p.m. Together with the coordinator, you can find the type of support or volunteer work that best suits you. 

The hospital also has volunteers. The volunteers wear light green vests. The volunteers offer unhurried encounters and are committed to confidentiality. They are there for you when you need advice on navigating in the hospital, someone to talk to, or peer support. 


Hyvinkää Emergency Department

The Emergency Department is open 24 hours a day and treats patients who have fallen ill abruptly and whose treatment cannot be postponed to the following…

Pediatric Emergency Department, Hyvinkää Hospital

At the Pediatric Emergency Department at Hyvinkää Hospital, we treat patients aged 0–15.

Gynecological Emergency Clinic, Hyvinkää Hospital

In the Gynecological Emergency Clinic of Hyvinkää Hospital, we treat gynecological and pregnant patients in need of urgent care.

Labor Unit, Hyvinkää Hospital

On the Hyvinkää Hospital labor ward, you can give birth starting from 35+0 weeks of pregnancy. The maternity unit comprises the Maternity Outpatient Clinic…


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