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Plastic Surgery Ward, Park Hospital


On the Plastic Surgery Ward, we treat patients requiring special expertise in plastic, mammary, and venous surgery.

Kaksi sairaanhoitajaa katsoo tietokoneen näyttöä.

We treat patients in need of demanding plastic surgery on the Surgery Ward. Most patients come to the ward as elective patients before or after surgery, but we also treat emergency patients.

In Park Hospital, we perform various plastic and breast surgery procedures, including skin cancer surgeries, body molding surgeries after massive weight loss, and breast molding and repair surgeries. We also treat patients with acute or chronic wounds that require surgical treatment. A small number of our patients also undergo venous surgery procedures.

Park Hospital conducts approximately 2,200 plastic surgeries annually.

Treatment with a nationwide impact

In addition to other university hospital-level care, we have nationwide responsibility for the most demanding specialist medical services. Treatment can begin at another central or university hospital and continue at HUS. Nationwide surgical treatment of demanding soft tissue sarcoma, limb and lymphatic tract, skin cancer as well as trans and pelvic surgery are centralized at HUS. Deformity and reconstructive surgery of the face, head and neck area are also centralized in our clinic.

Husuke (Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Center), which operates at Park Hospital, has nationwide responsibility for the care of cleft palate patients, including late-stage corrective surgeries in adulthood. In addition, cases of external ear deficiencies (microtia) are treated at Husuke. Reconstructive surgeries for cleft palate and microtia patients over the age of 16 are performed at Park Hospital, and New Children’s Hospital is responsible for procedures on younger people.

Kirurgian vuodeosaston ovi Puistosairaalassa

Arriving on the ward

The facilities of our inpatient ward are located on the same level (2nd floor) as the main lobby when arriving through the main entrance at Park Hospital (entrance A). Our modern patient rooms are rooms for 1 to 2 people with private bathrooms.

For most of our patients, the day starts in the short stay surgery unit (Lyhki) and patients only arrive on the inpatient ward after surgery. On a case-by-case basis, treatment can start on the inpatient ward already before surgery. As a rule, surgeries are performed on weekdays, but surgeries can also be performed on weekday evenings and Saturdays.

If you are coming for surgery at Park Hospital, please check the invitation letter sent to you for instructions on arriving and preparing for the surgery.

You can familiarize yourself in advance with the materials provided in the Health Village online service (Terveyskylä) for surgical patients:

•    Surgery Hub 
•    Wound Hub 
•    Pain Management Hub 

Post-operative recovery

The average treatment time for our patients on the inpatient ward is 4 days. During this time, we strive to enable our patients to achieve the best recovery and rehabilitation following their surgery.

A multi-professional team including nurses, surgeons, and physiotherapists, participates in patient care. According to the patient’s individual needs, we consult other professionals, such as an occupational therapist or pain management nurse, if necessary.

HUS hospitals function as teaching hospitals, and students participate in patient care alongside other nursing professionals.


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