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Forensic Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, Aurora Hospital


At the Forensic Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, we treat forensic psychiatry patients who have been committed to treatment by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and are in involuntary outpatient treatment, as well as psychosis patients presenting with difficult symptoms.

At the Forensic Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, we examine, treat, and rehabilitate patients for whom, in addition to their other psychiatric symptoms, we also need to take potential risk behavior into account.

We provide consultation and support for the planning and implementation of treatment for patients whose treatment will take place elsewhere.

Our special task is to treat forensic psychiatric patients and to implement the involuntary outpatient treatment periods ordered by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL).

At the Forensic Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, we also offer consultation assistance at a national scale and, if necessary, examination periods on specific issues related to forensic psychiatry (e.g. sexual thoughts or acts targeted at minors).


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