At the Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic for Young Children, we treat and examine children under the age of 6 who have prolonged emotional, behavioral, or transactional symptoms.
We conduct extensive child psychiatric examinations. Our treatments include transactional therapies, occupational therapy, and diverse family, individual and group therapies.
Treatments are family-centered. Parents are an essential and important part of the treatment of a small child. With parental consent, and when needed, we can cooperate with the personnel at daycare and social services, among others.
Treatment is offered based on a physician's referral.
Patient Guide
The Patient Guide answer the most common questions patients may have before, during, and after treatment.
Maisa online portal (opens in new window, links to another website)
You can use our online services by signing in to the Maisa Portal. Guardians can act on behalf of their children under the age of 18.