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Labor Unit, Hyvinkää Hospital


On the Hyvinkää Hospital labor ward, you can give birth starting from 35+0 weeks of pregnancy. The maternity unit comprises the Maternity Outpatient Clinic, delivery rooms, the gynecological emergency clinic, the emergency clinic for pregnant women, and the maternity ward. The delivery and labor unit is always open.

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We offer individual, high-quality care that is based on the wishes of the women giving birth, and is family oriented and baby friendly. Our goal is to ensure safe childbirth and a good experience of childbirth for the whole family. You can give birth at our unit starting from 35+0 weeks of pregnancy. In our small and cozy maternity unit, we serve you with warmth and a big heart. If you want to give birth in our unit, you will usually undergo the ultrasound screening scans in our hospital. However, you can choose us as your maternity hospital also at a later time. Always call the childbirth helpline before leaving for the hospital to give birth, tel. 09 471 71500.

On our labor ward, there is a comprehensive selection of pain treatment methods available. Some of our midwives specialize in reflexology, acupuncture, and other non-drug pain treatment methods.

A peanut birthing ball, thermal compress and a TENS device are also available to help with pain relief. Yoga cloths are available in the delivery rooms. Epidural, spinal and combination anesthesia can also be quickly provided for women in labor. Our physicians are proficient in performing paracervical and pudendal nerve blocks. Midwives also have the skill to perform pudendal nerve blocks.

We follow WHO and UNICEF’s Baby-Friendly Initiative. Hyvinkää Hospital has been awarded the Baby-Friendly Hospital certificate in 2015. Approximately 2,100 babies are born at Hyvinkää Hospital every year.

On our labor ward, there are five delivery rooms, each with its own toilet and shower. There are five observation beds. There are two birthing pools in use, and it is also possible to give birth while in the water. On our labor ward, a doula may be present in addition to one support person.


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