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Maternity Outpatient Clinic, Hyvinkää Hospital


At the Maternity Outpatient Clinic of Hyvinkää Hospital, we carry out antenatal screenings and examinations related to pregnancy. The expectant mother comes to the outpatient clinic with a referral from a physician or the maternity health clinic nurse. One support person may accompany the mother during examinations. The presence of children during the appointments is not allowed.


The first contact with the Maternity Outpatient Clinic is often ultrasound examinations of the early pregnancy, which are carried out at 11+0–13+6 and 20–22 weeks of pregnancy.

Appointments for prenatal ultrasound screening are made with a referral from the maternity clinic’s nurse. Prenatal screening is conducted in the Maternity Outpatient Clinic and it is voluntary and free of charge for families. The screening consists of two ultrasound scans and a blood sample at weeks 9–11 of pregnancy. You can also schedule an appointment for prenatal screening online via Maisa. In this case, the maternity clinic's nurse will refer you to the ultrasound and you can book the appointment via Maisa yourself.

The most common reasons for visiting the Maternity Outpatient Clinic include:

  • hypertension
  • premature contractions
  • abnormal presentation (e.g. breech)
  • glucose metabolism disorders (gestational diabetes)
  • assessment of the method of delivery, due to the previous delivery
  • fetal size assessment.

We have separate appointments available for patients with fear of childbirth (the SYPE outpatient clinic), as well as separate appointments for families who need special support during pregnancy (the ETU outpatient clinic). The expectant mother comes to the outpatient clinic with a referral from a physician or the maternity health clinic nurse. For some of the patients, we provide treatment on the digital care pathways, including monitoring the blood glucose levels on patients diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

Breastfeeding Outpatient Clinic

The Breastfeeding Outpatient Clinic operates on the 2nd floor of the A building of Hyvinkää Hospital three days a week (Mon, Wed and Fri). Register in the main lobby of building A. The waiting room is located on the 2nd floor, just after the elevators. In our Breastfeeding Outpatient Clinic, we provide assistance and support in breastfeeding problems, if the breastfeeding guidance provided in the child health clinic (neuvola) and the support offered by peer support groups is not sufficient.

No referral for an appointment at the clinic is required while still breastfeeding. We treat breastfeeding problems at our appointments until the baby is six months old. If you want pre-emptive help for potential breastfeeding problems already during pregnancy, you need a referral from a nurse at your maternity clinic (neuvola).

To book an appointment at the Breastfeeding Outpatient Clinic, contact the call-back service at (019) 4587 2269. The call-back service is available Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m.– 9:00 p.m. Some breastfeeding problems can be solved over the phone, but in more difficult situations we recommend an outpatient appointment, which can be booked during the call if necessary.

In diseases involving the breasts, we recommend contacting your own health center. Such diseases include breast infection (mastitis) and breast and nipple thrush.


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