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Pediatric Emergency Department, Hyvinkää Hospital


At the Pediatric Emergency Department at Hyvinkää Hospital, we treat patients aged 0–15.

Please call 116 117 (toll free) before seeking assistance at the emergency department.

In emergencies (severe shortness of breath, profuse bleeding from a large cut, or a child’s seizure), please call the universal emergency number 112. Paramedics will assess the need for care and take the child to the appropriate care facility.

In connection with the Emergency Clinic at Hyvinkää Hospital, there is a dedicated pediatric emergency clinic, where children and adolescents are cared for by our nurses who are familiar with pediatric illnesses. The Pediatric Emergency Department has its own entrance.

We aim to provide pediatric emergency monitoring on the Pediatric Ward, if there is room on the ward.

After the emergency visit, the necessary further treatment will take place on the Pediatric Ward at Hyvinkää Hospital or at New Children’s Hospital in Helsinki.

The most common symptoms for which it is always advisable to seek emergency care include

  • A newborn baby with a fever
  • A convulsing child 
  • Major trauma and broken bones 
  • Sudden onset of severe headache 
  • Breathing difficulties 
  • Sudden onset of severe or worsening stomach pain 
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Mental health problems requiring urgent treatment 
  • Chest pain 
  • Symptoms of paralysis such as acute flaccidity, incapacity of an extremity, or speaking difficulties. 

Seeking emergency treatment

In a case of emergency, there is no immediate danger to life, but the situation requires treatment during the same day (for example, abdominal pain, minor injuries and contusions, or a sudden decrease in general well-being).

Please contact your designated health center’s emergency services during its opening hours. At other times, please call the Medical Helpline at 116 117 (toll free).

Alternatively, you can call the Uusimaa Medical Helpline number 09 471 72328 (local call charge).

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