The social workers at Hyvinkää Hospital provide social work services to all patients on the hospital wards and in the outpatient clinics.
Contact information
Social Worker In-Charge, Sanna Riihelä-Palmu
Phone, Social Worker In-Charge, Sanna Riihelä-Palmu : 050 427 5275Neurology ward and outpatient clinic, Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Diseases outpatient clinics,
Phone, Neurology ward and outpatient clinic, Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Diseases outpatient clinics, : 050 427 5279Labor and Gynecological Wards, Gynecological Outpatient Clinic and Maternity Clinic, Surgical Inpatient Ward, Surgery and Physiatry Outpatient Clinics, Ambulatory Surgery, general practice, emergency department and intermediate care (adults)
Phone, Labor and Gynecological Wards, Gynecological Outpatient Clinic and Maternity Clinic, Surgical Inpatient Ward, Surgery and Physiatry Outpatient Clinics, Ambulatory Surgery, general practice, emergency department and intermediate care (adults): 050 4276 554Cardiology and Internal Medicine Ward, Pulmonary and Infectious Diseases Ward, Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Diseases outpatient clinics, dialysis, nephrology, general practice, emergency department and intermediate care (adults)
Phone, Cardiology and Internal Medicine Ward, Pulmonary and Infectious Diseases Ward, Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Diseases outpatient clinics, dialysis, nephrology, general practice, emergency department and intermediate care (adults): 050 427 3080Pediatric inpatient ward and pediatric and adolescent outpatient clinics, intermediate care and emergency department (under 18-year-olds)
Phone, Pediatric inpatient ward and pediatric and adolescent outpatient clinics, intermediate care and emergency department (under 18-year-olds) : 050 427 7577Child Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, intermediate care and emergency department (under 18-year-olds)
Phone, Child Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, intermediate care and emergency department (under 18-year-olds) : 050 427 6321Child Neurology Outpatient Clinic and developmental follow-up clinic
Phone, Child Neurology Outpatient Clinic and developmental follow-up clinic : 050 427 5126Social work is part of the whole in the hospital’s care and rehabilitation operations. You can discuss the issues affecting your individual situation with a social worker. The social worker supports you so that you are able to receive social services and benefits in a timely manner at different stages of your illness and rehabilitation.
- Sickness benefit, rehabilitation allowance, pensions, disability benefits
- Vocational rehabilitation, travel and medical expenses, children's benefits
- Statutory insurance (accident at work, occupational disease, traffic accident)
- Income support, housing
- Severe illness, disability, rehabilitation planning
- Patient’s concerns and life situation, support for families with children
- Crisis situation and psychosocial support
- Mental health and substance abuse services
- Services for victims of crime
- Foreigners, undocumented persons, clarifications related to domicile issues
- Notification of the need for support for a person in need of specific support
- On issues related to supervision of a person’s interests
- Appeals, complaints
If necessary, the social worker will cooperate with various other actors. The services of health-related social work are available to all patients, families and relatives, and are confidential and free of charge. You can contact the social worker either by phone or through the nursing staff.
Each ward and outpatient clinic has a designated social worker, who can be reached on weekdays during office hours. You can contact the social worker yourself or it can be done by a family member or by the nursing staff who are caring for you.
Maisa Portal (opens in new window, links to another website)
You can use our online services by signing in to the Maisa Portal. Once your treatment with us begins, you will receive information on the services you can access in Maisa. These include appointment booking and preliminary information forms, for example.
Patient Guide
The Patient Guide site answer the most common questions you might have before, during, and after treatment.