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Medicine Ward 4B, Lohja Hospital


In Medicine Ward 4B at Lohja Hospital, we treat patients with diseases related to general internal medicine, lung diseases and neurological diseases in need of specialist medical care.

The ward has 35 patient beds. Most of our patients are admitted from the emergency department. Patients come to the ward for treatment, examinations and rehabilitation from other outpatient clinics or wards in the hospital, hospitals in the Helsinki metropolitan area and primary health care units in the area.

The most common medical diseases being treated on the ward are diabetes, various infections, anemias, cancers and alcohol-induced problems. We treat and rehabilitate neurological patients, for example, stroke patients in the ward. The importance of rehabilitative nursing in our ward is significant. Multi-professionalism is absolutely essential with regard to treatment, as the needs of our patients are diverse, from basic care to arranging further treatment.


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