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Pediatric Outpatient Clinic, Lohja Hospital


At the Pediatric Outpatient Clinic of Lohja Hospital, we treat children under the age of 16 and adolescents who need outpatient services for specialist medical care.

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Pediatric clinics

At the pediatric clinics of Lohja Hospital, we treat children under the age of 16 and adolescents who need outpatient services for specialist medical care.

Children arrive at the pediatric clinics on referral by a physician.

Referrals to the clinics are made in order to diagnose, treat and/or monitor diseases. In addition to these, supporting the growth, development and independence of a child and adolescent, as well providing guidance to parents, are part of our operations.

Pediatric neurology clinic

Referrals to the clinic are made in order to examine a neurological disease or its symptoms, to make a diagnosis, and to design treatment and rehabilitation. Children arrive on the basis of a referral.

At the clinic, we examine and treat common pediatric neurology problems, such as epilepsy, migraine, developmental delay or disability, and learning difficulties.

For your first appointment, we would like you to bring along:

  • the child’s health clinic card (neuvolakortti) for children under school age
  • numerical measurements from school health care for school-age children
  • any forms sent with the invitation letter, filled out.


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