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Short stay surgery, Park Hospital


At Park Hospital’s short-term care surgery unit unit, we receive patients who arrive for elective surgery from home on the morning of the day of surgery.

Potilas ja hoitaja Puistosairaalan LYHKI-yksikössä.

After the operation, it is possible to be discharged as an ambulatory surgery patient, i.e. on the same day. In this case, you will also be discharged via the unit. You may also be transferred for inpatient care on a ward after your surgery. If you only need observation for one night, you can also stay overnight at unit’s 23-hour recovery room. You will be discharged from the 23-hour recovery room early in the morning after your surgery day without being seen by a physician on their round.

The Phase II recovery room is the unit facility where you will be transferred after an ambulatory surgical procedure and care in the Phase I recovery room. The Phase II recovery room has, for example, lounge chairs and an area for eating your meals.


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