Internal Medicine Ward 3, Porvoo Hospital
Keywords:In the Internal Medicine Ward 3 of Porvoo Hospital, we treat patients in need of specialised healthcare in internal medicine.
Phone numbers
Phone, Office: 019 548 3322Rehabilitation
Phone, Rehabilitation: 040 574 9415Our specialities are general internal medicine, cardiology, pulmonary diseases, infectious diseases, and neurology. Our ward is divided into two sections; the heart and neurology team, and the lungs and infections team. Our ward also has a rehabilitation unit specializing in early cerebrovascular disturbance rehabilitation.
Maisa Portal (opens in new window, links to another website)
You can use our online services by signing in to the Maisa Portal. Once your treatment with us begins, you will receive information on the services you can access in Maisa. These include appointment booking and preliminary information forms, for example.
Patient Guide
The Patient Guide site answer the most common questions you might have before, during, and after treatment.