Mood Disorder Ward P9 at the Psychiatry Center is a closed psychiatric ward.
Our ward is a closed ward for treating patients requiring a special level of demanding psychiatric care, including:
- people with mood disorders, especially patients who are seriously depressed
- patients on the somatic wards in Helsinki requiring psychiatric care
- patients belonging to health care sector personnel
- particularly demanding patients undergoing evaluation of their working capacity and in need of ward monitoring
- patients suffering from particularly problematic somatoform disorders
- examination and treatment of deaf and profoundly hearing impaired psychiatric patients on the ward
- foreign patients in need of psychiatric care
Maisa Portal (opens in new window, links to another website)
You can use our online services by signing in to the Maisa Portal. Once your treatment with us begins, you will receive information on the services you can access in Maisa. These include appointment booking and preliminary information forms, for example.
Patient Guide
The Patient Guide site answer the most common questions you might have before, during, and after treatment.