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The anesthesiologist chooses the appropriate form of anesthesia by talking to you and the physician performing the surgery. The form of anesthesia chosen depends on the nature and extent of the procedure, your age, your general condition, and your own wishes.

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General anesthesia is suitable for almost all surgical procedures. Falling asleep is quick and the personnel will monitor the depth of sleep and your well-being during surgery.
Under spinal anesthesia, the anesthetic is injected into the spinal cord space using a fine needle to achieve numbness and painlessness from the waist downwards.
In epidural anesthesia, a thin plastic catheter is placed in the epidural space located outside the spinal cord. The catheter can also be used for treating postoperative pain.
For smaller procedures, the procedure area is anesthetized locally. If necessary, more anesthetic may be administered during the surgical procedure.


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Surgery and Anesthesia Unit for Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, Surgical Hospital

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