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Cancer treatment


At HUS we treat all types of cancer.

Potilas valmistellaan kuvattavaksi magneettikuvauslaitteella.

At HUS we provide individual cancer treatments whose quality is guaranteed by the high level of expertise of our staff and our state-of-the-art technology. Our oncological expertise is highly valued internationally.


Outpatient clinic for specialty pharmaceuticals and home hospital (SAH), Raseborg Hospital

At Raseborg’s Outpatient clinic for specialty pharmaceuticals and home hospital, we care for hospital patients in their own homes, primarily patients with…

Physiotherapists, Comprehensive Cancer Center

Physiotherapists at the Comprehensive Cancer Center serve the hospital’s inpatient wards and outpatient clinics.

Radiation Therapy Ward, Comprehensive Cancer Center

The Radiation Therapy Ward of the Department of Oncology is responsible for all external radiation therapies administered in the Uusimaa region.

Social workers, Department of Oncology

The social workers at the Department of Oncology provide health social work services to all patients on the hospital wards and in the outpatient clinics.


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