Kidney transplant from a living donor
Keywords:A loved one of a patient with kidney disease may donate their other kidney to the patient. The donor can be, for example, a family member or friend of the patient. According to current legislation, a living kidney donor can also donate a kidney to a person unknown to them. Kidney transplants from living donors at HUS, as well as contacts and examinations of those interested in kidney donation, are coordinated by national living donor coordinators.
The number of patients with kidney disease is increasing in Finland. One important reason for this is diabetes and the kidney damage it causes. On the other hand, there are still too few kidney transplants, and the number of patients on the waiting list has been on the increase.
We aim to increase the number of kidney transplants from living donors so that more and more people with kidney disease can find a suitable kidney transplant at the right time. (opens in new window, links to another website)
The Kidney Hub ( Munuaistalo) at the Health Village offers support and information on kidney disorders and their treatment for patients, families and professionals.
Living Donor Coordinator
Ward K5B, Meilahti Triangle Hospital
The treatment of renal and pancreatic transplant patients and patients undergoing renal transplants from family members have been nationally centralized on…
Nephrology Outpatient Clinic, Meilahti Triangle Hospital
Our Nephrology Outpatient Clinic accepts patients on referral and by appointment.