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We offer physiotherapy services to specialist medical care patients in Uusimaa and to rehabilitees on hospital wards and at outpatient clinics.

Kaksi fysioterapian työntekijää auttaa potilasta nousemaan ylös.

Our aim is to promote and maintain the functional capacity and mobility of our patients in various situations throughout their life span.

We begin physiotherapy with an evaluation of the patient’s functional capacity and mobility. Based on this, we draw up individual goals and a plan with the patient and possibly with the patient’s family members as a part of a comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation program.

Physiotherapy may include guidance and counselling to promote health and functional capacity, therapeutic training, physical treatments as well as the assessment, selection, and monitoring of the need for assistive devices.

Physiotherapy may be given individually or in groups. We also offer remote rehabilitation services. In specialist medical care, treatment periods are often short. Physiotherapy then focuses on providing instruction for patients and their family members and on organizing physiotherapeutic further rehabilitation and monitoring.

Our physiotherapy is science-based, applying research and knowledge in our field and other disciplines. We also work with other professionals and organizations in social services and health care.


Department of Physiotherapy, Raseborg Hospital

At Raseborg 's Department of Physiotherapy, we offer physiotherapy services to patients within various specialties.

Physiotherapists, Comprehensive Cancer Center

Physiotherapists at the Comprehensive Cancer Center serve the hospital’s inpatient wards and outpatient clinics.

Physiotherapists, Jorvi Hospital

The Physiotherapy Unit at Jorvi Hospital provides physiotherapy services for the hospital’s surgery, internal medicine and neurology wards, as well as the…

Physiotherapists, Meilahti Tower Hospital

In the physiotherapy unit at Meilahti Tower Hospital and Triangle Hospital, we provide physiotherapy services to the inpatient wards and outpatient clinics…


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