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Auli Verkkoniemi-Ahola

Chief Physician, Associate Professor

Neurocenter, Division of Neurology
Jorvi Hospital


Licentiate of Medicine 1988 University of Tampere, Specialist in Neurology 1996 University of Helsinki, doctoral dissertation 2001: “Variant Alzheimer’s disease with Spastic Paraparesis: Clinical, Neuropathological and Molecular Genetic Characterization”, Doctor of Medical Science 2002 University of Helsinki, Associate Professor of Neurology 2004 University of Helsinki, multiprofessional leadership training in health care 2007, University of Tampere, qualification in management for specialists 2007, University of Helsinki Research work: Familial (FinnPSEN1dE9) form of Alzheimer’s disease with spastic paraparesis of the lower extremities and neuropathological cotton wool plaques; genetic and cardiovascular risk factors for late-onset dementia (Vantaan Vanhimmat - The Vantaa 85+ Study - population-based study); genetic causes and risk factors for dementing diseases; Monitoring the clinical efficacy and patient safety of drugs for MS


Alzheimer’s disease, frontal lobe dementia, other neurodegenerative and memory disorders and their hereditary forms, multiple sclerosis, central nervous system infections including PML and CJD.

Finnish, Swedish, English
Positions of responsibility

Memberships in associations: Chairman of the Alzheimer’s Association of Helsinki 2001, Finnish neurologist representative in the EuroCJD network research community, member of the board of the neurologists subsection of The Finnish Medical Association (FMA)


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