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Medical and psychiatric care of people with intellectual disability (ID)


Outpatient services for people with intellectual disability

Our outpatient services for people with intellectual disability (ID) consist of a clinic specializing in the medical aspects of ID as well as a team of consultants who assist other healthcare units and can also assess and treat patients in their day-to-day living environments. 

Understanding the medical aspects of IDare important when planning intensive medical rehabilitation.

ID psychiatry

Consulting psychiatrists in intellectual disability represent the tertiary level of specialized medical care, which is provided at outpatient clinics and in hospitals. Our psychiatrists mostly assess and treat people with ID on an outpatient basis in their home towns. We have a team of consultants who can be brought in to provide expert assistance to primary healthcare and specialized medical care providers. Our consultants also advise other highly specialized medical care professionals.

Our inpatient services in ID psychiatry cover involuntary observation and special care within the meaning of the Finnish Act on Special Care for Persons with Intellectual Disability. The need for psychiatric hospitalization is also always assessed in these cases.

We have inpatient facilities for ID psychiatry in Hämeenlinna, Kerava, and Lahti. The combined capacity of these facilities is 42 beds. Inpatient care for children and adolescents is provided in Lahti. Our facilities are conveniently located to give patients easy access to amenities and opportunities for outdoor recreation. 


Psychiatric Inpatient Care for People with Intellectual Disability, Lahti

Our inpatient services in ID psychiatry cover involuntary observation and special care within the meaning of the Finnish Act on Special Care for Persons…


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