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Statistics on infertility treatment

In recent years, the number of patients treated for infertility has increased at HUS. The probability of the success of infertility treatments is individual. It depends on age, lifestyle and the cause of infertility, among others.

Kaksi Lisääntymislääketieteen yksikön työntekijää spermalaboratoriossa.

In the HUS area, fertility treatments are centralized in the Reproductive Medicine Unit. Infertility is the largest single diagnosis group of those treated at the Reproductive Medicine Unit. In the unit, we also treat other diseases related to hormonal function.

In recent years, the numbers of patients treated for infertility and the provided infertility treatments have increased.  

Results of infertility treatments

The results of infertility treatments are affected by factors such as the patient’s age and lifestyle, e.g. smoking or being underweight or overweight. Treatment results are also affected by the duration of attempting to get pregnant and the underlying cause of infertility.


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