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Sodium fluoride
Keywords: Fludent®, Xerodent®
Doses of less than 20 fluoride tablets per kg of body weight (0.25mg tablets) are considered harmless. Sufficient treatment includes not taking fluoride tablets for a period of time corresponding to the recommended daily dose and the actual ingested amount. The products contain sweeteners, which may cause gastrointestinal symptoms, such as diarrhoea.
If the ingested amount is more than 20 tablets per kg of body weight, contact the Poison Information Centre to confirm toxicity.
Sodium nitrite
Highly toxic. Always contact the Poison Information Centre to confirm toxicity.
A single dose is considered harmless. Does not require treatment.
Sucking on a sparkler does not carry a risk of poisoning. Sparklers contain barium nitrate, among other substances, which causes gastrointestinal symptoms if swallowed. Seek medical attention if the symptoms are severe.
Styrofoam is not toxic when ingested, but may cause suffocation if the swallowed pieces are large.
Table salt
Keywords: salt, sodium chloride
If the amount ingested is less than half teaspoon, no treatment is required. If symptoms (eg. intense thirst) develop, seek medical assistance. If the amount ingested is greater, contact the Poison Information Centre to confirm toxicity.
A single dose of ingested talcum powder is considered harmless.
The coloured liquids used in thermometers are solvents. The amount of solvent in a thermometer is so small that treatment is not required.
With fluoridine: The amount of fluoridine varies between toothpastes. Contact the Poison Information Centre to confirm toxicity.
Without fluoridine: A single dose is considered harmless
Turpentine, white spirit
Keywords: genuine turpentine, mineral turpentine, petroleum products
Mineral turpentine: Household turpentine or white spirit is usually mineral turpentine. See: Petroleum products.
Genuine wood turpentine often used by artists is more toxic than mineral turpentine (white spirit). If the ingested amount is known to be small, monitor the patient at home. However, if symptoms (such as disorientation, coughing, vomiting or shallow breathing) develop, seek medical assistance without delay.