Adolescent Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, Raseborgs mentalvårdscenter
Keywords:The Adolescent Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic is an outpatient examination and treatment unit for residents of Västra Nyland 13–18 years of age.
Secondary clinics
Visiting address
Postal address
Visiting address
If you have already reached the age of 18, we will direct you to adult psychiatry services on your first visit. Our outpatient clinic works in close cooperation with our Adolescent Psychiatry Day Unit and Treatment Team INTRO.
Our secondary clinic operates upon agreement also in Hanko and Karis.
Maisa Portal (opens in new window, links to another website)
You can use our online services by signing in to the Maisa Portal. Once your treatment with us begins, you will receive information on the services you can access in Maisa. These include appointment booking and preliminary information forms, for example.
Patient Guide
The Patient Guide site answer the most common questions you might have before, during, and after treatment.