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Uusimaa adolescent psychiatry outpatient care


We provide adolescent psychiatry outpatient care in Uusimaa.

Kaksi henkilöä keskustelemassa ikoni, sinisellä taustalla

We offer regional adolescent psychiatry services at our Adolescent Psychiatry Outpatient Clinics and enhanced outpatient care units.


Adolescent Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, Raseborgs mentalvårdscenter

The Adolescent Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic is an outpatient examination and treatment unit for residents of Västra Nyland 13–18 years of age.

Adolescent Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, Lohja and Vihti

We are responsible for the psychiatric outpatient care of young people aged 13–17 in the areas of Lohja, Vihti, Karkkila, and Siuntio.

Adolescent Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, Nurmijärvi

The Nurmijärvi Adolescent Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic is available by appointment only.

Adolescent Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, Järvenpää

The Järvenpää Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic operates by appointment.


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