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Meilahti Intensive Care Unit, module M2


In Meilahti Intensive Care Unit’s module M2, we treat patients who have undergone cardiac surgery, or surgery to the major blood vessels in the chest. We are located on the 2nd floor of the Tower Hospital.

On the ward, we also provide postoperative care to patients after a heart-lung transplantation, as well as patients requiring ventricular assist devices.

We are part of the Meilahti Intensive Care Unit, and the modules A-E are located in the Bridge Hospital.

Visiting the intensive care unit

We kindly ask that only the closest family members would visit the ward and that the visits be kept short, 15–30 minutes. Please do not bring flowers to the ward. Please ask the personnel about any other gifts.

Please do not visit the ward if you have a cold, a stomach flu, or some other infectious disease.



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