Park Hospital - Units
Keywords:Anesthesia and Surgery Unit, Park Hospital
In the Anesthesia and Surgery Unit at Park Hospital, we perform surgical procedures in the specialties of plastic surgery, mammary surgery, hand surgery, oral- and maxillofacial surgery and venous surgery, and we treat patients with oral and dental illnesses who need general anesthesia.
Breast Surgery Outpatient Clinic, Park Hospital
In Park Hospital’s Department of Breast Surgery, we operate both new and locally recurrent cases of breast cancer.
Clinical Physiology, Park Hospital
At Park Hospital, we conduct clinical physiology examinations by appointment.
Emergency oral health care on evenings and weekends, Park Hospital
Primary health care emergency services for oral health care in the evenings and on weekends are available at Park Hospital on the Meilahti hospital campus. Please always call before seeking treatment at the emergency care services.
Occupational therapists, Park Hospital
Occupational therapists in the Park Hospital treat hand surgery and plastic surgery patients, and also breast surgery patients in some cases.
Oral Diseases Unit, Park Hospital
The Oral Diseases Unit operates at Park Hospital in the Meilahti hospital campus. Patients are referred to our unit by their physician.
Park Hospital X-ray unit
At the Park Hospital’s X-ray we perform examinations by appointment.
Physiotherapists, Park Hospital
In the physiotherapy of Park Hospital, we provide physiotherapy services for patients undergoing breast surgery and plastic surgery.
Plastic Surgery Outpatient Clinic and Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Center HUSUKE, Park Hospital
At the Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Center HUSUKE at Park Hospital, we treat cleft lip and palate patients, defective fusions of the cranial sutures (craniosynostoses), and associated syndromes. In addition, we have a Plastic Surgery Outpatient Clinic, where patients come either for a…
Plastic Surgery Ward, Park Hospital
On the Plastic Surgery Ward, we treat patients requiring special expertise in plastic, mammary, and venous surgery.