Park Hospital - Units
Keywords:Short stay surgery, Park Hospital
At Park Hospital’s short-term care surgery unit unit, we receive patients who arrive for elective surgery from home on the morning of the day of surgery.
Social workers, Park Hospital
The social workers at Park Hospital provide health social work services to all patients on the hospital wards and in the outpatient clinics.
Speech therapists, Park Hospital
In the speech therapy of the Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Center HUSUKE at Park Hospital, we carry out speech evaluations associated with cleft lips and palates.
Surgery Outpatient Clinic, Park Hospital
Park Hospital's Surgery Outpatient Clinic operates as a referral and post-operative follow-up clinic, where we examine and treat hand-surgery patients.
Venous Surgery Outpatient Clinic, Park Hospital
At the Venous Surgery Outpatient Clinic, we perform diagnostics and treatment planning for venous insufficiency and venous surgery.