Assistive equipment services
Keywords:In the Assistive Equipment Center, we provide demanding special-level assistive equipment services for specialised medical care within the entire HUS region.
More information about the Assistive Equipment Center's Ruskeasuo unit
Are you coming to the Assistive Equipment Center's Ruskeasuo unit? We have written a few instructions to help you.
Assistive Equipment Center, Ruskeasuo unit
In the Ruskeasuo unit of the Assistive Equipment Center, we provide demanding special assistive equipment services for the entire HUS specialised medical…
Assistive Equipment Center, Raasepori Hospital
At the Raseborg Hospital Assistive Equipment Center, we are responsible for the assistive equipment services for medical rehabilitation in the Hanko, Ingå…
Assistive Equipment Center, Espoo Unit
In the Espoo Unit of the Assistive Equipment Center, we lend primary health care assistive equipment to the clients of Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services…