Cancer treatment
Keywords:At HUS we treat all types of cancer.
At HUS we provide individual cancer treatments whose quality is guaranteed by the high level of expertise of our staff and our state-of-the-art technology. Our oncological expertise is highly valued internationally.
Care pathways for cancer
The care pathways offer reliable information on various types of cancer, the related diagnostic tests, and the different stages of care at HUS.
Cancer Hub (opens in new window, links to another website)
For more information on cancer treatments, visit the Cancer Hub ( Syöpätalo) at the Health Village ( Terveyskylä). Health Village ( Terveyskylä) is an online service for specialist medical care.
Most recent
Clinical Pharmaceutical Research Unit C3, Comprehensive Cancer Center
The Clinical Pharmaceutical Research Unit is located at the Comprehensive Cancer Center in Meilahti.
Comprehensive Cancer Center's Outpatient Unit and Medical Treatment Unit
Doctors’ and nurses’ appointments take place in the outpatient clinics in Comprehensive Cancer Center, and drug therapy for cancer is administered in the…
Department of Oncology X-ray unit
In the Department of Oncology X-ray unit, we conduct imaging examinations by appointment.
Gynecologic Oncology Outpatient Clinic, Comprehensive Cancer Center
The Gynecologic Oncology Outpatient Clinic is located in Comprehensive Cancer Center.