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Imaging examinations and procedures


Imaging is used to study the human body by various methods. With imaging procedures we can support surgery and partially replace vascular surgery.

A ragiographer placing a patient in an MRI machine.

Imaging is used to study the human body using various methods. Imaging can consist of taking images, but it can also include, for example, measurements of the functions of the body, brain, or nervous system. Imaging is also used as an aid in guiding procedures and providing cancer treatments. 

A physician will assess whether the examination is necessary as a whole. Imaging examinations can be used to diagnose or exclude various diseases and, if necessary, to plan effective treatment.

The most common imaging studies are X-ray examinations, MRI scans, and ultrasound scans.  

With the procedures performed by imaging specialists, or radiologists, we can support surgery and partially replace vascular surgery. Radiologists can perform, for example, balloon dilatation procedures. In these procedures, they utilize imaging equipment or methods to assist them.


Iso Omena X-ray unit

In the Iso Omena X-ray unit, we perform plain X-ray examinations without appointments.

Jorvi Hospital X-ray unit

In the Jorvi Hospital X-ray Unit, we perform both urgent and non-urgent examinations. We perform non-urgent examinations by appointment.

Järvenpää X-ray unit

In the Järvenpää X-ray unit we perform plain X-ray examinations without an appointment.

Katriina Hospital X-ray unit

In the Katriina Hospital X-ray unit, we only conduct imaging examinations for our hospital’s patients.


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