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Infectious diseases


In infectious diseases, we examine and treat diseases caused by microbes such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. 

Infektiovuodeosaston henkilöstöä keskustelemassa potilaan hoidosta.

We treat severe infectious diseases. The majority of ordinary infections are treated in primary health care and outpatient health care, or they heal on their own with home care. We treat those in need of inpatient care based on the severity of the infection in all HUS hospitals. Meilahti Triangle Hospital has two inpatient wards for infectious diseases. We also provide treatment in the Day Hospital at Meilahti Triangle Hospital and the outpatient clinic.

We treat patients with

  • severe general infections, such as sepsis
  • immune disorders, such as HIV and congenital immune disorders, such as common variable immunodeficiency CVI
  • complications of infection and diagnostically and therapeutically difficult cases, such as fever of unknown origin
  • severe post-operative infections
  • rare tropical diseases, such as malaria


Infectious Diseases, Dermatology, and Rheumatology Ward K4B, Triangle Hospital

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