Client fees
We charge clients for appointments, remote appointments, treatment periods and medical certificates are determined in accordance with the Act and the Decree on Client Charges in Healthcare and Social Welfare.
List of client fees
Patients under the age of 18 are charged for a maximum of seven treatment days per calendar year.
If a patient accumulates more than seven treatment days during a calendar year, no further
- daily hospital fees,
- day care fees, or night care fees will be charged.
A fee will continue to be charged for ambulatory surgery beyond the aforementioned seven days.
Appointments at a psychiatric outpatient unit are free of charge, as is serial treatment.
Fees for emergency department visits are not charged in psychiatry. There are also no charges for front-line veterans. If a patient is admitted immediately to the hospital for treatment after an examination at an outpatient clinic, a short-term inpatient care fee is charged instead of an outpatient fee.
Health center physician or nurse appointment on weekdays between 8:00am and 8:00pm
EUR 28.20
Health center physician or nurse appointment on weekdays between 8:00pm and 8:00am, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
EUR 66.70
Remote appointment with a health center physician or nurse on weekdays between 8:00am and 8:00pm
EUR 28.20
Remote appointment with a health center physician or nurse on weekdays between 8:00pm and 8:00am, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
EUR 66.70
Emergency dental care health center appointment
EUR 66.70
EUR 66.70
Remote appointment with a specialist
EUR 66.60
Short-term inpatient care
EUR 66.90
Charged from patients on the days of admission, inpatient care, and discharge. No fee will be charged for the day of discharge if the treatment continues at another institution on the same day.
Daily hospital fee in short-term psychiatric inpatient care
EUR 30.70
No fee will be charged in cases referred to in section 9 of the Mental Health Act.
Daily hospital fee after the payment cap has been exceeded
EUR 25.10
Specialized healthcare provided at home
EUR 16.40
Specialized healthcare provided at home is a temporary in-home service where a physician, dentist or nurse makes a house call. We only charge one house call fee per day.
Day care or night care fee
EUR 30.70
This fee is charged if a patient is in care only for the day or only for the night. This fee is not charged in the psychiatric outpatient units.
No fee is levied for front-line veterans, patients in psychiatric outpatient units, or for examinations, treatment and follow-up in maternity clinics of pregnant women taking intoxicants. If the patient is admitted to the hospital immediately after a visit to an outpatient clinic, no outpatient clinic fee will be charged.
Outpatient clinic fee, physician or nurse
EUR 66.70
Remote appointment with a physician, nurse or other professional
EUR 66.70
Laboratory and imaging examinations are included in the appointment fees.
We do not perform imaging examinations on referral from private physicians. If you are coming in for laboratory tests with a referral from a private physician, please contact the laboratory customer service to ask about pricing.
You will need to pay an additional sampling and processing fee of EUR 26.00 for tests taken under a referral from a private physician. We will add this to the price of the tests completed. Laboratory tests on referral from private physicians are not eligible for Kela compensation.
EUR 218.70
The ambulatory surgery fee is charged instead of an outpatient clinic fee for any procedure performed in an operating room and requiring general anesthesia, extensive local anesthesia, or intravenously administered medication.
If a patient undergoing ambulatory surgery must remain at the service location until the following day due to a complication or similar reason, the patient may be charged an additional daily hospital fee of EUR 66.90.
The serial treatment fee is charged for a maximum of 45 appointments per calendar year.
Serial treatment
EUR 18.60
Serial specialized healthcare provided at home
EUR 18.60
Group appointment
EUR 18.60
The long-term institutional care fee is defined as 85% of the net monthly income of the patient being treated. If a patient in institutional care has a spouse who earns less than the patient, the fee is defined as 42.5% of the combined net income of the spouses. However, the patient must always retain at least 15% of their net income, or at least EUR 122 per month. A patient entitled to a front-veteran’s supplement may retain that benefit.
A patient is considered to be in long-term institutional care if their care lasts for longer than three months. Patients in long-term institutional care are hospitalized for many months or years.
The actual fee for a medical certificate depends on the type of certificate or statement.
Medical certificate
A maximum of EUR 56.70
Fee for a medical certificate on the right to drive
A maximum of EUR 68.10
EUR 23.00
The institutional rehabilitation fee applies to the inpatient care of a disabled patient.
The medical appliances required for treatment, along with their fitting, replacement as necessary, and maintenance are free of charge, except if said need is caused by an injury or occupational disease eligible for compensation under the Accident Insurance Acts, Military Injury Act, Motor Liability Insurance Act, or Patient Injury Act.
EUR 56.70
We will charge a fee for not attending a specialized healthcare outpatient appointment or a diagnostic imaging appointment. You may be charged a fee if you do not cancel by 12 noon on the day before your appointment.
The fee will not be charged if there is a valid reason for not attending (e.g. a sudden illness or other valid reason).
Procedure appointment, degree of difficulty 0–2
EUR 25.30
Procedure appointment, degree of difficulty 3–4
EUR 39.60
Procedure appointment, degree of difficulty 5–7
EUR 65.00
Procedure appointment, degree of difficulty 8–10
EUR 88.80
Procedure appointment, degree of difficulty 11–15
EUR 119
Prosthetic appointment 1
EUR 264.70
Prosthetic appointment 2
EUR 318.30
EUR 5.00
We will charge a reminder fee for any payment reminders sent.
If you do not pay your invoice by the due date, we will charge penalty interest according to the Interest Act as of the due date.
Organ donors are not charged client fees.
Patients who are not resident in Finland will be charged a fee corresponding to the actual cost of the treatment, unless otherwise determined by an international treaty binding upon Finland. This fee will also be charged for the treatment of patients under the age of 18.
The compensation payable to a respiratory paralysis patient for maintenance not received is EUR 66.90 per day.
The fee charged from the birth partner of a mother giving birth is EUR 66.90 per day if accommodated in a family room. We charge this fee on the patient’s invoice.
At the Family Nest Hotel, the fee is EUR 66.70 per day, and we only charge the patient herself.
Paying client invoices
We will send you an invoice approximately two weeks after your treatment or appointment. You can choose to receive the invoice by mail, as an e-invoice or as a direct payment. You can receive e-invoices, i.e. electronic invoices, by entering into an e-invoice agreement through your online banking service. You can also make an e-invoice agreement in advance.
- To start receiving e-invoices to your online bank, select HUS-yhtymä (HUS-Group) from the list of invoice issuers.
- The subject of the invoice is Hoitolasku (Treatment invoice).
- The identification number is your Personal ID number.
You can start using direct payments by making a direct payment authorization at your local bank or through their customer service channels. Direct payment means that you authorize your bank to pay the invoice from your bank account on your behalf. An advance notice of the invoice will be mailed to you and your bank will debit the payment from your account on the due date.
You can pay your HUS client invoices at the restaurant counters in our hospitals. To pay an invoice, you will need the paper invoice you have received. We cannot accept your payment without the invoice. Cashiers at the restaurants are not able to provide advice in matters related to invoicing. If you need advice, please contact our invoicing customer service.
Restaurants where you can pay client invoices
- Biomedicum, Haartmaninkatu 8, Helsinki
- Espoo Hospital, restaurant Suolaheinä, Karvasmäentie 6, Espoo
- Hyvinkää Hospital cafeteria, Sairaalankatu 1, Hyvinkää
- Skin and Allergy Hospital, Meilahdentie 2, Helsinki
- Jorvi Hospital, Turuntie 150, Espoo
- Ohkola Hospital, Ohkolantie 10, Mäntsälä
- Surgical Hospital, Kasarminkatu 11-13, Helsinki
- Lohja Hospital, Sairaalatie 8, Lohja
- Meilahti Bridge Hospital, Haartmaninkatu 4, Helsinki
- Peijas Hospital, Sairaalakatu 1, Vantaa
- Porvoo Hospital, Sairaalantie 1, Porvoo
- Tullinpuomi, Topeliuksenkatu 32, Helsinki
Payment period and collection
Invoices are generally given a payment period of 3 weeks. You can apply to our customer service for an extended payment period for your HUS invoices and agree on a payment plan if your outstanding invoices have not yet been transferred to a collection company.
If you do not pay your invoice by the due date, you will receive a reminder in the mail 2 weeks after the due date on your invoice. The payment reminder includes a late fee of EUR 5.00. Payment reminder costs will still apply if you have paid your invoice after the due date and we have already initiated reminder measures.
If we do not receive your payment by the due date on the payment reminder, we will transfer the invoice to a debt collection agency for further action. This will result in collection and interest costs. If you do not pay your invoice by the due date, we will charge penalty interest according to the Interest Act as of the due date.
HUS’s invoice collection is managed by Lowell Suomi Oy. If your invoice has already been sent for collection, please contact the collection agency’s customer service and agree with them on how to deal with your invoice.
Residents of Åland and clients without a municipality of residence in Finland
The healthcare and medical treatment authority responsible for public healthcare in Åland, Ålands hälso- och sjukvård (ÅHS), must accept a payment commitment and submit the commitment to HUS before treatment.
Clients who do not have a municipality of residence in Finland or who are not considered to be comparable to residents of the municipality shall be charged a fee corresponding to the actual costs of treatment, unless otherwise stipulated by an international agreement binding Finland or by European Union legislation. We will also charge a fee for the treatment of a child under the age of 18.
If the client has a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) or a certificate of treatment issued by Kela, the client is entitled to treatment at client fee prices. Finland does not accept the digital European Health Insurance Card or the card number only. More information about entitlement to medical care in Finland can be found on Kela’s website.
Telephone: 09 471 78550, open weekdays from 9:00am to 12 noon.
Postal address: HUS Financial Services, Asiakaslaskutus, P.O. Box 680, FI-00029 HUS
We do not provide service to other client groups using this contact information. Other client groups should refer to the contact information for the client invoicing customer service at the top of the page.
Payment cap
There is a payment cap on client fees for public health care. The monitoring period for the annual maximum of fees is the calendar year (January 1–December 31), and the calendar year’s fees are calculated towards the annual maximum according to the date of the visit, not the due date of the invoice or the date when the invoice is paid.
In 2024, the payment cap is EUR 762. The invoice indicates whether the fee accrues the payment cap. Once you have exceeded the payment cap, public healthcare services will primarily be free of charge for you until the end of the calendar year. Even after the payment cap has been exceeded, we will continue to charge a reduced fee per treatment day for short-term inpatient care.
You must monitor the accrual of the annual maximum yourself. Fees payable for patients under 18 years of age can be included in the payment cap for either of their guardians.
More information about the payment cap is available on the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health’s website.
The following count towards the payment cap
- fees for outpatient physician services at health centers
- physiotherapy fees
- serial treatment fees
- hospital outpatient fees
- ambulatory surgery fees
- fees for short-term inpatient care and institutional services at healthcare and social care facilities, such as on a ward at a hospital or health care center
- night care and day care fees
- rehabilitation fees
- oral health care appointment and procedure fees that do not include dental technology expenses such as expenses for prostheses, mouth guards for grinding teeth or sleep apnea, or orthodontic devices,
- temporary home healthcare and hospital-at-home fees
- therapy fees
- payments made with income support.
The following do not count towards the payment cap
- transportation fees
- fees for medical certificates and statements
- laboratory and imaging examinations performed under a referral from a private physician
- social care services, except for short-term institutional service
- income-tested services
- the co-payment for service vouchers
- the co-payment for transportation services
- fully private services that are not organized by the wellbeing services county
- Public health services received in Åland
- A fee charged to a person who does not have a municipality of residence in Finland, except for a fee charged to a person who is entitled to health services under European Union law or an international agreement binding on Finland under the same conditions as a person residing in Finland or who is considered as equivalent to a resident of a municipality.
- Please contact the body where the payment cap is exceeded (HUS or the wellbeing services county) and request a free calculation of the payment cap.
- Please provide details of any treatments that have counted towards the payment cap during the calendar year. If you do not have this information to hand, we can check it for you with wellbeing services counties.
- Please wait for the payment cap to be calculated. Once it has been calculated, you will be notified of any outstanding invoices or refunds of overpayments. Please note that we will automatically allocate any overpayments to outstanding invoices.
- We will notify the wellbeing service county in your area of residence that your payment cap has been met.
Reductions and requests for rectification
If you are in long-term institutional care (with an estimated or actual duration 3 months or more) with HUS, you will be charged a fee that is determined on the basis of your ability to pay pursuant to the Act on Client Charges in Healthcare and Social Welfare.
The long-term institutional care fee will be reduced or waived if charging the fee endangers the conditions for your or your family’s livelihood or the fulfillment of your legal maintenance obligation (Section 11(1) of the Act on Client Charges in Healthcare and Social Welfare). In such situations, you need to contact client invoicing or the HUS unit that confirmed your original long-term institutional care fee.
Reduction can be granted for flat-rate fees if you receive guarantee pension or if the you have been granted debt adjustment by a district court. However, no reduction is granted for fees for missed and not cancelled appointments, nor is it granted for patients who do not have a home municipality in Finland and who are responsible for the full cost of their treatment.
Requests for reduced fees should be mailed or emailed to the HUS client invoicing customer service. The request must be accompanied by a certificate of the guarantee pension issued by Kela or the district court’s decision to grant debt adjustment. If you provide a certificate from Kela, it must indicate date of issue and end date of the guarantee pension, or state that the decision is valid until further notice.
This guideline for making a claim for a revised decision does not apply to an invoice associated with a payment decision for long-term institutional care determined by your ability to pay.
If you are dissatisfied with a client fee invoice for something other than the payment decision for long-term institutional care, you can appeal by submitting a claim for rectification to the HUS Group. You can appeal the invoice if the invoice is addressed to you or the invoice has an immediate impact on your rights, obligations, or benefits.
Make a written claim for rectification at the latest within 30 days of having received the invoice. We consider that you have received the invoice at least on the seventh day from its sending date, unless there is evidence of anything else. The day of arrival of the invoice shall not be included in the claim period. If the last day of the claim period is a public holiday, Independence Day, First of May, Christmas Eve, Midsummer Eve, or a normal Saturday, the claim for rectification may be filed on the following working day.
In the claim for rectification, please indicate your name, personal identity code, contact details, number of the invoice to be corrected, the change you are requesting, and your reasons for the claim. Include any documents you are invoking if you haven't already provided them before. If your right of action is being exercised by your legal representative or agent, or if the claim for rectification is drawn up by another person, also provide their name and contact information.
Send the claim for rectification to the HUS Group’s registry, P.O. Box 200, FI-00029 HUS or by email to
The processing of the claim for rectification is free of charge for you. The invoice cannot be appealed to the courts.
Service voucher
Service vouchers complement our in-house operations. We can issue service vouchers to patients on the waiting list in situations where our own capacity is not enough for providing treatment in compliance with the Care Guarantee Act. You cannot yourself request or opt for a service voucher.
Our purpose in this is to guarantee you high-quality care and to improve access to treatment flexibly, thereby shortening waiting times.
Service voucher value and how to use it
Your deductible will be no more than the fee charged by HUS for the same service. Treatment that you obtain using a service voucher will cost you no more than the same treatment at HUS. By law, you have the right to refuse a service voucher if offered and choose to stay on the HUS waiting list instead.
If you do accept a service voucher, you may choose where to go for your treatment from a list of service providers approved as our partners. Once you have received a service voucher through the “palse” system, you may book an appointment for a procedure with the service provider of your choice and agree on the time and other details with them. You may also purchase extra services from that service provider beyond that which the service voucher covers.
A service voucher is issued to you personally. It cannot be exchanged for cash, and you may not use it for any other purpose than that specified in the issuing decision. You cannot claim a tax credit for household expenses for a service obtained using a service voucher.
You will retain all the rights of a patient provided for in the Act on the Status and Rights of Patients, as with all public healthcare services. The Consumer Protection Act also applies with respect to any service provider that you go to. If you are unhappy with the service you obtain using a service voucher, you may file a complaint with us and the service provider.
Frequently asked questions
If your bank does not accept our reference number in full, please remove the first four characters.
For data security reasons, our invoices do not include detailed information about your treatment. HUS treatment information can be found in MyKanta and Maisa. You can also submit a request for us to provide you with your patient data.
If your payment cap has not yet been calculated, you will continue to be invoiced as normal. In this case, please contact our customer service to have the payment cap calculated and the invoice adjusted.
Invoicing will not stop completely once the cap has been met. Once the payment cap has been calculated, you will be invoiced for short-term inpatient care at discounted prices.
We will postpone the due dates of outstanding invoices by three months from the date of death upon notification from a family member for estate inventory purposes. If any additional time is granted for the estate inventory, please provide our customer service with a copy of the tax authorities’ decision to obtain an extension to the due dates.
If the estate inventory finds the estate to be over-indebted or indigent, please provide our customer service with a copy of the estate inventory. It is not necessary to provide the estate inventory if the estate’s funds are sufficient to pay the outstanding receivables.
We will always send you a payment reminder in the mail, even if you have an e-invoicing plan.
You can request a copy of an invoice by phone, email or mail from our customer service.
A fee may be charged for multiple requests for copies of invoices.
Client invoicing customer service
Telephone: 09 471 78550, open weekdays from 9:00am to 12 noon.
Postal address: HUS Financial Services, Asiakaslaskutus, P.O. Box 680,FI-00029 HUS.
Email address:
In order to ensure that the transaction takes place smoothly, please provide your full name, date of birth and your current address in your message.
Please note that our calls are recorded for quality assurance and training purposes. We process client data in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation.